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Kirjaga on tõesti kaasas kokku pakitud manus mis sisaldab aga käivitatavat exe faili. Esimese arvamusena oli kohe et tegu on jamaga ja nii ta ka on. Algatuseks logisin FBsse sisse ja ei mingit probleemi, kõik oli korras nii nagu eile jäi. Hakkasin lihtsalt asja uurima ja avastasin et kirjas on valgete tähtedega kirjutatud veel lõiguke teksti. Valgel taustal valgeid tähti ei näe, seega enamus neid ei leiagi kui seda kirja näiteks ei selekteeri. Kirja teine pool on siis selline:
With such meditations I endeavoured to beguile the time and cheat myself into forgetfulness of the lameness of my horse, and the dripping wetness of his rider.At last the storm began sullenly to subside: one impetuous torrent, ten-fold more violent than those that had preceded it, was followed by a momentary stillness, which was again broken by a short relapse of a less formidable severity, and the moment it ceased, the beautiful moon broke out, the cloud rolled heavily away, and the sky shone forth, as fair and smiling as Lady--at a ball, after she has been beating her husband at home. But at that instant, or perhaps a second before the storm ceased, I thought I heard the sound of a human cry. I paused, and my heart stood still--I could have heard a gnat hum: the sound was not repeated; my ear caught nothing but the plashing of the rain drops from the dead hedges, and the murmur of the swollen dykes, as the waters pent within them rolled hurriedly on.
Ausalt, ma ei tea miks selline tekstike seal lõpus pesitses. Päris nali asi ei ole kuna manuses oleva exe faili aga korjab viirusetõrje kohe ära, järelikult mingi pahavara. Et viirusetõrje asjale reageeris, siis õnneks on minu alluvad arvutid selle asja eest kaitstud